We cheer for so many things in the world but we sometimes forget to cheer for our own spouse. Yes, you know people like this or maybe it’s you. Each person should never let anyone beat them supporting their spouse. It’s safe to say that the world of marriage would be so much better if we all did this one huge thing.
Women, one of the things that make a virtuous woman so special is that she is not only a wonder woman, but she upgrades her husbands life . She respects him and she brags about him so that people want to know him and do business with him. Everyone knows that spouses are harder on each other, so when people hear a woman uplift her husband they pay attention.
Men, women are known to go hard for their families. They need you to lift them up consistently and give them the credit they deserve. Women do so much that they are not given credit for by their own spouses. Your wife should know that you think she is wonder woman.
The greatest criticisms can come from the person we love the most. There is no greater power for a spouse than to know that they are supported. When you show you believe in your spouse, when you speak well of your spouse, and when you share with people what a gift your spouse is, that builds the value of your spouse to them as well as others.
Your favorite team, celebrity, child, parent, or any other thing should never get more cheers from you than you give to the one you promised to love, honor, and cherish for life. Don’t just tell them how great they are, but show them with your support and efforts to push and promote everything good about them and everything they do. You both win when one of you wins. If your spouse has a value or business or anything that benefits others, you should be a walking billboard for their success. Don’t just do it in private, take your praise for your spouse public. “Everything is about relationship, build them well”.
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