Relationships When We Get Married When two people get married, the two are to now become "One". As we can see from our divorce rate statistics, this is a challenge…Harlon BellAugust 22, 2019
Relationships He Should Lead, and She Should Follow Since the day Adam and Eve took and ate the forbidden fruit that God told them not to eat, men and women have been at…Harlon BellAugust 22, 2019
Relationships Don’t Leave Me At The Altar When couples are dating everything seems to be so smooth and wonderful. We are excited and full of infatuation and newness. So anxious to see…Harlon BellAugust 15, 2019
Relationships Thank You Now! I know we live in a fast paced world where we want everything to happen in an instant. Just because we have access to entertainment…Harlon BellJuly 20, 2019
Relationships Headed To College Without Direction So you're headed to college huh? I know, it can be a big deal and you may be feeling some type of way. Yes, it…Harlon BellJuly 20, 2019
Relationships Behind Closed Doors We see people everyday and we assume and take for granted that because they smile when you see them in public, at work, as they…Harlon BellJuly 19, 2019
Relationships Wives Don’t Mommy Your Husbands Hello ladies, you are not your husbands mother so stop trying to treat him like you are his mommy. You are his wife. Your responsibility…Harlon BellJuly 17, 2019
Relationships Husbands, Don’t try to father your wive’s Women already choke up when the preacher directs them to repeat the vows that says to promise to honor and obey your husband. They do…Harlon BellJuly 17, 2019
Relationships Good At Goodbye The dating world can seem complicated and confusing sometimes. You have a lot to think about while trying to protect your heart from the wrong…Harlon BellJuly 3, 2019
Relationships Divorce Is Not For Us "For I hate divorce, says the Lord, the God of Israel" (Malachi 2:16). The Lord Jesus said that we should not divorce except for adultery…Harlon BellJune 27, 2019